Intercultural Relationships

As we could watched in the movie, there is a lot of problems that it can bring the cultural differences when we are dating with someone. The mayor trouble would be that each culture has its way to communicate and express their feelings, for example, The Toula’s family was big, loving and warm, they kissed everybody and stay so close to each other.In the other hand Ian’s family was NOT that big and more discreet. Another point is religion, with religion it comes many rituals that maybe if we are not followers of that type of culture, it could be strange and weird  for us to do it. In conclusion, if we want to date or get married with someone that is from a different place, we should have in mind that if we want to enter in that family we have to be tolerant and understand their things. Perhaps it would be hard, but if they love each other, they could find happiness ass Toula and Ian did it in the movie.

Holidays in other countries

It´s really amazing to see how people from other countries celebrate their holidays in different and unique ways. We could see that they used english to explain how they prepare and enjoy their parties with different tools. The one of peru wrote a recipe for a dessert, for thailand and guatemala they use videos, photos (respectively) and explanations to show us how great are their holidays. For last, for india they did a complete calendar which include what thet do day by day. It was very good to use english instead of their language, because people from other countries, like me, could understand and learn the diversity that each country has when they celebrate.

Blog Post:

We know that our own personality, the way we are, the decisions that we take and also the clothes we wear it is influenced by one of the most important thing that shapes us. The music that we listen and the one that we create tells a lot of stuffs about us. That’s why I’m a crazy man, I like loud, happy and exciting  music. Even though i don’t have a special kind of music, those three word defined how my music is.

Economic Empowerment for Women

I would lend money to Erica Patricia because I think that the products she is selling are very interesting and also she is a young women that probably has very good ideas about her business, so she could do a great use with her Kiva loan.

Kenyan Matatu Drivers

First , when they where in the way to take the BBC people, the police stop them because they jumped traffic lights, but it didn’t take too much time and they could be in time for the appointment. After, when they arrrived to the place BBC people took the videos, someone told them that they were taking photo just for selling it. In conclusion, it wasn´t a bad day  because the police treat them nice.

Here in barranquilla we have a bad  for mototaxistas but I think that in Kenya the image that people has for the matatu drivers is worse, because the police treat them really bad and the exclusion is very notable.



It is really sad to see this type of videos that show us the real life of afrocolombians, even more if we keep in mind the fact that Colombia is a multicultural country, which it is found of kinds of subculture.  It seems that of the work that for years it has been done (about racism) isn’t having great results.  74%  of afroclombians live in poverty, 42% is unemployed , 2 of 100 young people go to college. This statistics are very disappointed, Where are the organizations that watch over for the rights of our borthers afrocolombians? But even worst we still have the wrong idea that afrocolombians should be slaves, poor and miserables. Just if we change the image we have about afrocolombians, we could do the difference.

Favorite Carnival Moment

For this carnivals I didn’t do too much carnival things so I decided to relax and do one of my favorite things: spending time with my friends. I could say that one of my favorite moments was swimming with my best friend in her pool; long time I did’nt see her so I really enjoyed laughing, eating and talking with her. Also I met some friends of her, in conclusion it was a great weekend.


I was impressed when I watched the video, first, I don´t hear that kind of rithms so much here in my lture, those ones that makes you feel different things just with thw melody and also realize how deep the song is. Amazing! Second, I could learnt some aspect related to their culture, like how it seems they like tea and also how they enjoy to prepare it with dedication and devotion; it very clear that for them this is and expression of art. To finish my comment, something that called my attention was that they are really passionate people, I could see it throught the whole video, how they sang, how they prepared the tea so carefull and the meaning of the lyrics. All those things reflect an image of their conduct as a community.

Barranquilla 2013 Cultural Capital

Barranquilla was chosen as cultural capital of America  not only for the many things that has a connection with culture and tradition, also the international  proyection the city has make it a place where culture is really involved and it’s seen as a important urban.

The fact that Barranquilla is the cultural capital of 2013, gives it an international promotion throught two differents television networks, that would be the benefit that the article shows.

An American in Uganda

In this story we can see two different types of people: a black man who apparently is not rich, the purpose of his life is to work to feed him and his daughter. The white one is educated, he doesn´t have to worry about working as a servant because he has money and he only wants to enjoy all what he has and what is around him. We can see while white man is mad about black man because he thinks what black man does is just for annoying him, black man is doing what he have to do without intentions to bother him. These are the two points of view of this story.

These two men come from different places and cultures, they have different types of education, the social- economic situation of one of them is not the same that the other one, that means, they haven’t been in the shoes of the other man. The fact white man maybe had never worried about what he has to wear, eat or see, it doesn´t let him to understand the problem that black man is facing now. By the other hand, black man doesn’t understand why white man is so angry if the only reason he´s working is for her daughter and himself.

Sometimes is easy to judge people when you don´t know them, that´s why this story is real is some countries and cultures.